Monday, 31 May 2010

Art in the Village and Animals in the Mountains

Yesterday Pa and I went for a long walk up a mountain for lunch and then back down again in the afternoon.
On our way up the mountain we passed through the village of Gorbio which is near to where we live here in France.
There were many interesting and fun things on people's gates in Gorbio.
One gate had a sculpture made out of bits of metal and tin. It was a sculpture of Saint George and the Dragon.
On either side of the gate the owners of the house had made a knight and a lady and the lady was made out of broken pieces of pink pottery pigs. It looked wonderful and it was in the shape of the lady.

When we got to the top of the mountain where we had lunch in the village we saw lots of cats and pretty painted pot plant holders.

Then as we were going back down the mountain through the fields we came across a lot of very happy sheep who were laying in the sun and eating the long grass near a stream. We made sheep noises and they came running to the fence to make friends with us.

Then when we got home all the doggies were so excited to see us but we were so tired after our walk all we wanted was a cold drink and to sit down.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Dogs Where I Live

Where Pa and Ya Ya are living now in France we are surrounded by lots of dogs every day.

They live here in the house with Jilly and she looks after them while their owners have gone away. Sometimes for a few days and other times for two months. They sleep in the house at night with Jilly and she has the little dogs in the bathroom ! They sleep on their doggy beds and Jilly shuts the gate so that they don't wander in the night.

Her two dogs Beau and Mia sleep in the lounge room as they are family members and have more rights than the others but when there are big dogs staying they share with Beau and Mia quite happily.
There have been some cute little dogs staying here over the past three weeks and I have put a photo on this blog so that you can see how cute they are.

They all love Pa as he pats them too much and sometimes they get jealous of each other and bark and growl . But they are mans best friend and love company and being given attention.

When their owners come to collect them we are all sad to see them go but a few of them keep coming back so we are happy when that happens.

Its much better for them to be looked after at someones home while their owners are away than being put into a Kennel without the fun of running free and playing with other dogs as they do here at Jilly's.